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Bunion Treatment in Chino

5 Reasons You Need to Have Bunion Correction Surgery

The most common complications with most people’s feet are hammertoes and bunions. Do you feel discomfort when putting on shoes? Is there a visible bump on your toes? Or have your toe started to overlap with each other? If yes, you could be experiencing the side effects of a hammertoe or a bunion.

When you feel this level of discomfort, it makes you wonder when you should consult a professional and is surgery the right way to go.

 What Happens During a Consultation:

  • To get your current health state’s background, your doctor may ask for your medical history and do a physical assessment. He checks both of your feet, which will help him determine the correct type of treatment for you.
  • The doctor examines the hammertoe or bunion.
  • He observes how your shoe fits your toe.
  • The doctor examines how the joint moves to detect indications of arthritis.
  • The doctor procures x-rays to see the bunion and the quality of the bone.
  • The doctor thoroughly discusses all the findings.
  • The doctor recommends a treatment plan.

In the majority of cases, you will initiate treatment with preventative or conservative measures. However, if things continue to get worse, you may require surgical assistance.

What You Need to Know:

Not every bunion or hammertoe is created equal. That also means the process of recovery varies from individual to individual.

The thing you should be focusing on is your level of comfort. If you live a sedentary life and work behind a desk all day, waiting and observing the bunion’s progression before opting for surgery may be in your best interest. But, if you are active with your feet, then surgery may be the right option for you. In case your hammertoe or bunion is infected or involves another complication, surgery would be absolutely necessary.

If surgery is your chosen treatment option, you need to select an experienced foot surgeon who can effectively correct these complications and deliver the best results. Many surgeons just remove the bump, which does not change the forces that would prevent the deformity from recurring.

The most common treatment option for moderate to severe bunions is surgery because preventive care can’t turn back time for your big toe joints. Apart from that, surgery effectively removes the bunion, stabilizes the big toe joint, and reduces pain and side effects associated with the condition.

Similar to any other surgery, there are two basic approaches a surgeon can take to performing the operation. First is the traditional open technique, and the second is a laparoscopic or minimally invasive method. The minimally invasive technique is now the industry standard, and it’s the procedure routinely performed by our doctors. Here we explain the benefits of minimally invasive surgery and why it’s the technique that surgeons swear by.

Reasons Why You Should Get Bunion Treatment In Chino

Below are the five unique advantages of minimally invasive bunion treatment in Chino:

Reduced Damage To Soft Tissues – The two requirements of open surgery are: cutting through soft tissue to access the bunion and two big incisions on the toe. But with the minimally invasive surgery, the doctor can move around the soft tissues, plus there’s no cutting of the tissues across the toe joint.

Less Pain and Scarring– Since surgery uses smaller incisions, there is minimal scarring that may become invisible to the naked eye. Reduced trauma and smaller incisions to the surgical site also result in less post-op pain.

No Need For General Anesthesia – If you decide to have surgery and choose a reliable doctor and team for your bunion surgery, you won’t have to go under general anesthesia. There’s a widely-used technique similar to what you may receive at a dental procedure. You’ll feel relaxed but not completely unconscious, and there won’t be any pain during the process.

Crutches-Free – Employing the minimally invasive technique to perform a bunion correction enables patients to walk right after surgery. Patients can return to work and even start driving within a few days, and many patients are back in their normal footwear within six weeks. There’s no need for a foot cast or crutches to get around.

Similar Results – If the conventional method were more efficient than the minimally invasive technique, it would take precedence even though recovery takes longer, and there is greater post-op pain. But, both procedures’ success rates are almost identical, and there are fewer risks involved in the minimally invasive technique, thus the reason for it becoming the standard treatment.

So if you are struggling with a bunion which makes wearing shoes or walking painful, talk to a specialist at an Ontario Podiatry immediately. With the aid of minimally invasive surgery, you can get back on your feet with minimal pain in no time.

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