Out of all the primary culprits that cause foot pain, Arthritis is what tops the charts! While it gets a bit difficult to deal with it at times, the good news, however, is that Arthritis has a variety of options and treatments available that can feasibly help you stay on the go! Making sure that the Arthritis is dealt with successfully, it is essential to take notes of any discomfort, swelling, toughness, and tenderness in your feet seriously. Although a regular visit doctor to your doctor can help you keep things under control, there are adequate tips guided by the professionals in Podiatry in Ontario for you to protect your feet to the fullest. Taking keen notes of what the experts have to say can help you with your situation in a much better way.
How Can a Podiatrist Help You in Managing Your Arthritis?
A Podiatrist is an expert on issues that are associated with your feet and ankle. Their knowledge of the effects of Arthritis on your feet is what can help you depict a more precise image of your well-being. As you’re visiting your recommended doctors regularly, it is also advisable to visit the professionals of Podiatry in Ontario as they can help you manage your Arthritis better! It is essential to understand that the swollen, painful joints in the feet can deliberately lead to deformities that can affect your ability to walk normally.
To have a better understanding of how to manage your Arthritis well, a Podiatrist will start off by performing a test known as “Gait Analysis.” He/she will be judging the way you walk, how much pressure you are putting on your feet, and whether or not you’re overcompensating to protect your arthritic foot. The Gait Analysis would help the Podiatrist to give you a thorough insight into your situation and what you must do to avoid causing additional stress. Apart from that, the following are some of the most common remedies that a Podiatrist can guide you with to manage your Arthritis well:
- Pay Attention To Your Shoes’ Fitting:
The joint effect of Arthritis is that it can cause your toe to change its shape subtly. While the position of your foot experiences a change, it isn’t possible the majority of the time to notice it by just looking at your feet. The best way to figure out whether your feet have experienced a change in shape is to see how your shoes fit you. If the shoe you have typically been wearing feels different in the way it fits, your foot is being pressurized in a different place now.
- Don’t Ignore the Heel Pain:
It is common for the knee joints to be an easy target for Arthritis, but it is essential to understand that your ankle and heel can also be manifest symptoms of arthritis. While it is common to mistake the ankle and heel pain as a Sports Injury, it is essential to take action if the pain is consistent and does not go away within a week or two.
- Feel for a Gout:
A Gout, commonly known as the growth of uric acid crystals, are widely found in the big toe joint. Although common, a Gout is a painful problem that is very much closely linked to Arthritis. If you feel consistent pain, inflammation, redness, or tenderness in your feet or at the base of your big toe joint, you probably have a Gout. Getting it checked on time is essential to manage your Arthritis well!
- Look Out for the Callus on Your Big Toe:
The Big Toe is always the first joint that shows the signs of Arthritis. If your Big Toe is affected by Arthritis, chances are that the dorsiflexion movement of your foot in the upward direction gets limited. This can lead to a condition known as the “Hallux Limitus.” Hence, it is essential to keep a keen on the status of your feet as it can deliberately help you in managing your Arthritis well!
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